
IMEA is Set to Exceed a Sustainability Goal

Date Posted: 2024-06-28

The IMEA Board authorized IMEA management to add 150 MW of solar to its portfolio.

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20 IMEA Member Municipalities Have Embraced the Opportunity to Continue their Beneficial Relationship with the Agency

Date Posted: 2024-06-28

For the second meeting in a row, the IMEA Board has approved contracts from 10 agency members seeking to extend their beneficial relationship with IMEA through 2055.

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IMEA & IMUA Seek Grant Opportunities to Modernize Municipal Utilities

Date Posted: 2023-08-21

The federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 and the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 are making billions of dollars available to allow the electric industry to shore up and modernize systems and accelerate efforts to meet climate change objectives. Funds are being made available through a plethora of grant programs. The Illinois Municipal Electric Agency (IMEA) and the Illinois Municipal Utilities Association (IMUA) are working on behalf of member municipalities to ensure that municipal electric systems are not overlooked when it comes to these opportunities.

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